Been a while since I posted here, So here's a early summer update. My Lil man is not so Little anymore, Hes in the 6th grade and is almost as tall as me, The Dr's say he will be over 6'2' for sure. Hes a blast to watch grow.
Hes talented beyond what I ever was he can play any sport and play them well, His mom deserves the credit as she is the coach-driver-tutor.
The kid beats his sister to death, I used to get mad and tell him to stop but the more I watch the more she deserves it.
A while ago I took him to a hawks game and it dawned on me that hes not that little of a kid anymore, Hes funny and a cool hang. He can have conversations and hold the attention of Lance Briggs who he met at he game, and Robbie Gould loves the kid.
The best part is hes just a solid kid with a big heart, I have no lofty expectations for him, I just let him roll. At 12 he has already out classed his old man.
Have a good Summer
Prayers are a powerful thing. You all are in mine. Praying for a speedy and full recovery.