Ah the fourth of July, Nothing says I love Merica more than a cooler of beer, a backyard fire and fire works.
Now just in case this gets posted to our Official US99.5 website don't do this stuff, Be careful and leave it up to the pro's.
Now with that said, somewhere within the sound of my voice this weekend some one will say the most dangerous works ever muttered, "Dude hold my beer, watch this" There will be an influx of cars that head off to Indiana to get a deal on Cigarettes and Fireworks, Not sure why the Hoosier state has such deals on both, But they do! Oh may as well fill up the car while your there too. In case you didn't know they have cheap gas too.
Same thing for Wisconsin, All of the sudden they have more things that go boom than the kardashain family.
Nothing says America more than a bunch of fireworks that exclaim"made in Taiwan", I remember back in the good ol' days one would have to go as far south as Tennessee before you could get into real fireworks country, There is a whole faction of people that believe that for value of the dollar nothing is better value than fireworks and beer!
We all know someone from our youth that is missing the tip of their finger, for me is was (Dave Shoemaker), Or someone seriously hurt by being caught up in the moment, (Tim Burger) In the end its all good but the scars are permanent.
This is the greatest American Holiday we have, No one can steal it, We can still say happy fourth, No one's going to make our say "happy holiday" This one is ours. Lets not forget to thank those that fought for our independence.
For those that gave so we can have a beer, blow off some things that go boom, and have a few beers I say thank you, I love Merica, I love things that go boom. And I love our soldiers.
And when someone says "Dude hold my beer, watch this" Please be careful!
Happy 4th!
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